Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hillary Fit?

Last Sunday when Hillary Clinton collapsed at the 9/11 memorial day, people began to give a lot more credence to what had previously been considered outrageous conspiracy theories about her health.

Her team said after the incident, what was originally thought to be allergies was in fact pneumonia.

A Google of 'Hillary Clinton health'  reveals many thousands of theories from Parkinson's to Alzheimer's which largely began circulating after she suffered a fall which cause brain bleed back in  2012.

Last week Mrs Clinton suffered another prolonged coughing fit for the first 6 minutes of her speech in Cleveland Ohio, 3 days before the incident at the 9/11 memorial and she has previously, on more than one occasion exhibited symptoms akin to mini seizures.

Given that her health, or rather the transparency of her health issues, is one of the top news stories at this time, we asked visitors to London City over the past couple of days,  "Should Hillary Stand Down?"

As you can see, this question completely split those who answered the poll, with 42 saying Yes she should stand down and 41 saying she should not.

Mrs Clinton will be giving her first speech, since the incidents,  today at North Carolina, where no doubt she will have one of the biggest world audiences watching her every move.

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